
Spring 2022.

  • Physics 112: Statistical and Thermal Physics

    Basic concepts of statistical mechanics, microscopic basis of thermodynamics and applications to macroscopic systems, condensed states, phase transformations,

    Quantum distributions, elementary kinetic theory of transport processes, fluctuation phenomena.

  • EECS 151: Digital Design and Integrated Circuits

    Provides a top-down view of the principles, components, and methodologies for large scale digital system design.

    The underlying CMOS devices and manufacturing technologies are introduced, but quickly abstracted to higher-levels to focus the class on design of larger digital modules for both FPGAs and ASICs.

    The class includes extensive use of industrial grade design automation and verification tools for assignments, labs and projects. The Verilog hardware description language is introduced and used. Basic digital system design concepts, Boolean operations/combinational logic, sequential elements and finite-state-machines, are described.

    Design of larger building blocks such as arithmetic units, interconnection networks, input/output units, as well as memory design (SRAM, Caches, FIFOs) and integration are also covered. Parallelism, pipelining and other micro-architectural optimizations are introduced.

    A number of physical design issues visible at the architecture level are covered as well, such as interconnects, power, and reliability.

  • Material Science 104: Materials Characterization

    Cover principles and techniques used for the characterization of engineering materials and fundamental theoretical framework for diffraction, spectrometry and imaging methods. Introduces the theory of x-ray and electron diffraction, electron microscopy, basic aspects of optical and scanning probe techniques, with hands-on experience using the XRD, SEM and TEM equipment.

  • EE 117: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

    Review basic electromagnetic relationships, wave equation, the electromagnetic spectrum, complex phasor notation, and transverse waves.

    Introduction to Maxwell’s Equations and Reflection and Transmission at Interfaces.

    Introduce circuit models of transmission lines and the coaxial line, the capacitively loaded line and implications for high speed-digital systems, Smith chart relating complex reflection coefficient and impedance, single and double stub tuning, and quarter wave tuning.

    Introduce antenna parameters for single and arrays of antennas, Friis formula and its relation to uncertainty, signal to noise and the Friis equation, basic radar equation as extension of Friis equation, long-wire antenna, radiation resistance, arrays, far field, near field and the Fourier transform, Yagi-Uda arrays; integrated antennas, imaging, geometrical optics, and Gaussian beams.

    Minilabs on statics, transmission lines, and waves. Explanation of cell phone antennas, WiFi communication, and other wireless technologies.


 Past Semesters.